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Light Up Your Life this Valentines Day with sureglow.com

Posted by Tara on 1/11/2018 to Valentine's Day Supplies
Light Up the Light Of Your Life this Valentines Day with sureglow.com 


We all know when you look at your Valentine all you see are hearts! So make it official and buy our Light Up Red Heart Sunglasses! You won't have a problem expressing how you feel when you wear these shades! Watch your Valentine shine as they receive these glasses as a little gift from you as well! Now you both can see each other in hearts for this special day! 


We all know that roses are the symbol of Valentine's Day. Make sure you take traditional and put a twist on it for your special Valentine. These LED Roses will light up to create the most enchanting evening for you and your loved one. 


Details matter! These Blinking Heart Badges are 2 inches wide and 2 inches long. It is the perfect little gadget to decorate for Valentines Day! Whether you are hosting a singles party or celebrating as a couple these are perfect to buy in bulk for an event filled with the most lovely intricate details! 


The bigger the ring the better! Even if you are not proposing for real this Valentine's Day let your Valentine know what is to come in the future! Capture your love ones heart with this smile worthy light up Jumbo Heart Ring.  

Check out the rest of our Valentine's Day Glow Supplies here!